
Woohoo! My first subject arrived in the post today!! I am now officially studying;) I meet with my supervising teacher at the school tomorrow afternoon to let her know what specifically i need to be doing in the classroom for my assessment items, then I start Vocational Placement as of next monday :) I’m Teacher-Aiding in a year 4 class.

The other thing that happened today is that i had my first appointment at the Job placement centre. And wouldn’t you know it, i woke up SICK! and with a stupendous case of Brain Fog. My tonsils cleared up and I felt fantastic yesterday! Today, I woke up with the aches, some snotty sinus happenings and a cough. I felt as though I should dress up a bit for this appointment, y’know show them that i’m serious about this job-hunt bizzo, but feeling sick.. i just couldn’t be bothered. I feel as though I compromised very well by brushing my hair and teeth, wearing jeans, shoes and a snuggly cardigan when in actual fact i would have been quite happy to stay in my jimmy-jams and slippers all day.

I arrived with 15 minutes to spare and figured i had time to grab a muffin and coffee from the bakery next door. OOPS. My coffee took precisely 20 minutes to make. I scoffed my muffin and fronted up to the office thinking ‘shit, i reaaaally need to blow my nose’ I was re-directed to the office upstairs and while in the lift figured i had time to EITHER give my nose a really good blow OR drink my coffee. I chose coffee.  Next i’m in the foyer, waiting to be called in, still drinking coffee (why did i buy a large – oh yeah that’s right i thought it would help lift the fog) Busting for a wee and trying to discreetly sniff back up the voluminous ooze of green that is trying to escape my sinus. Nice. Next of all I recognise this woman walking towards me – Controversial former local MP who quit politics last election to ‘recover psychologically’ and who has since been dragged through the media again (what’s left to know about her personal life?) -She calls my name, oh dear goodness she’s my new case worker!

Turns out it’s former-MP’s first day on the job and i’m her first client. yay. And her boss has to sit in on the interview to make sure she does it right. double yay. I dab at my nose continuously with tissues answering the constant stream of questions – what are my goals? work experience? blah blah blah. My head feels like it’s full of cotton wool and my blocked-dose-voice sounds as dumb as i feel. I concentrate on concentrating.

What are your best qualities and attributes? Ummmbb…

  • excellent ability to retain green mucus
  • outstanding wee-holding techniques
  • ability to front up to interviews not dressed in Pyjamas despite feeling spooty
  • remarkable stamina, patience and politeness

(i’m busting to ask ‘is it true you went crazy / tried to shoot your neighbors dog / hooked up with a teenage boy’ etc but manage to block out any previous news articles my brain has uselessly filed away and stay focussed on the task at hand : convincing former mp and her boss that I AM going to study my little butt off and get a job as a Teacher’s Aide so they will stop trying to sign me up for full time night shift at the highway service station)

Anyways, it’s all done now and I made it home just in time to let the electrician in to fix the lights and bathroom fan (another woohoo!)

In woohoo! news from yesterday – Lil finally got her tooth pulled at the dentist (3rd attempt) Tooth fairy left $2.

Bye for now! (m:)

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